Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Producing an ass

At the moment: grabbing anything for inspiration.. ANYTHING

I used to blog a lot. Like a ton load lot. Yes... I'd post musings that go for a mile long but now, it suddenly became difficult to think of one idea and spin a coherent paragraph.

Oh wait! I suddenly have one!

I was forced... (yes, forced. In school, EVERY DAMN THING is forced) to write a short story out of a journal entry that I foolishly composed just to meet requirements. When you write like that, half-heartedly and without inspiration, you produce an ass and to make a blasted SHORT STORY out of an ass is a challenge. Oh might I add that we were given two hours to finish it? Yes... two hours. Zipa-dee-doo-dah!

A deadline, a topic you don't want and a pen. These are conditions that I hate to be writing in. However, I should remember that in the real world, if ever I get a writing job, this would be the exact same conditions they will throw me in. Okay, they probably would let me use a computer but still, I'd most probably be stuck with a topic I'd puke all over and a deadline so ridiculous it would add 10 years on my face. So I started writing the story... oh yes, did I mention it was in Filipino? The cruelty of it all!

I was getting the hang of it actually when our professor told us to pass whatever it is that we managed to cook up. I wanted to write more, I was building up the climax but fudgenuts, the paper finally slid off my hands as I looked wistfully back at it. I find it sadistic. They make you rummage through your imagination box, (as hard as you could) to get enough mojo to write a story out of something so crappy, and then when you finally get the hang of it, they yell "Okay that's enough, pass your papers!" Oh the cruelty!

Now.. I don't have a muse. I don't have that convenient little fairy to call on whenever my mind hits a blank space. So when I'm able to gather the much-needed momentum for a story, I should not be stopped. It takes a lot of effort to fill up the mojo meter again.. it's seriously not easy. At least for me.

Damn it. I want to write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I totally agree with you! >_< I hate it when I'm forced to write especially within a short amount of time. Then when you get to the momentum, time's up. Man, I hate that. >_<

4:05 PM  
Blogger Donya Quixote said...

aaah, muselessness... it'll pass.

anyway, happy new year!

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

10:53 AM  

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