Sunday, June 25, 2006

Stick to the status quo

At the moment: Inspired..?

with characters looking like this, you'd know exactly what the movie is about

I never would've thought that I'd use a line from the Disney channel movie, "High School Musical" for my blog post. But as my little sister attentively watched the colorful world of artificial high school life, I found myself distracted by their high-pitch vocals. Even though the movie is undoubtedly cheesy and sickeningly predictable (it is a kid's movie afterall) I found their one song particularly interesting. It's about your "role" in campus.

A small part of the song:

No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far
To keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo

In school we play our own parts. Somebody plays the nerd, the bully, the virgin, the angsty one... and so on. This is particularly evident in highschool but starts as early as preschool. In a class, there's always that someone who gets left behind when the teacher asks the class to divide into groups.. there's always that someone who quietly doodles on her notebook while the teacher discusses ABC's.. that person who rarely talks but smiles when you call her.

I'm that kind of someone.

I used to be called a lot of names. From anime girl to the notorious 'asset', but my label never steered away from the generic: "the quiet one"

To tell you the truth, I didn't really choose to be quiet nor did I want people to assume I'm nice. I'm a nerd and I'm proud of that but it just sucks completely that people wouldn't even think that I have a life outside my PC. (Oh God.. do I? hahaha) Seriously, I do go out you know. I even wear mini-skirts! (yes.. I DO.) People take one look at my glasses and they close their minds to any other possible personality that I could have. Maybe that's why I have 3 sets of friends. They stand for the three things that I enjoy: Eastwood, the Internet and Tsismis. Even though these three groups are all my friends, I can never imagine seeing all of them together. The diversity of a human being is amazing.

The status quo dictates that I play by the rules and be the "anime girl" that everyone expects of me. Although I do like anime and manga, I don't want to be remembered specifically because of it.. I'm not that two-dimensional. Sometimes I even feel guilty acting beyond what is usually expected of me. I remember this one time, I was talking to one of my friends.. and then she suddenly exclaimed "Ugh! That's really pathetic! Why would people even go on EBs?" being someone who actually does, I wasn't sure whether to answer her question or not. She probably didn't know that I go to EBs once in a while so I can't really blame her for that, she didn't belong to my Internet barkada category. If I was talking to my online friends then they'd completely understand.

Getting the stares and the expressions like "Really? You do that?" even from my parents can be quite annoying though. I remember when I made it to the school paper in high school. I became the effing EIC.. and what did the people at home say? "Nagsusulat ka pala.."

So how about you? What does that sign on your head say?


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